Agents   >   Tanzania Flag  Tanzania   >  Zanzibar Urban West  >  Zanzibar
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  • TZS527,461,615
  • (USD 200,000)
We have many Beach Plots of all sizes in All locations to suite any budget and buyer`s preferences .
We have a long list in our Stock,we also give a Legal Assistance from well experienced Lawyer
We believe that Buyers,Sellers or Leasers that are dealing with us are our business partners to whom we are fully dedicated and committed to their success that will equally be our success.

Our management and staff are fully qualified to putting together all their sincere efforts to provide comprehensive services to Our Customers and making their Plans Best Value for Money affair.

Responsiveness to your requests is our main concern,so we promise that you will always hear from us within a maximum of 8 to 12 hours of your are also aware that in today`s competitive service business it`s not adequate to promise only customer satisfaction instead,we have to go further and promise customer delight..
We have many Beach Plots of all sizes in All locations to suite any budget and buyer`s preferences .
We have a long list in our Stock,we also give a Legal Assistance from well experienced Lawyer
We believe that Buyers,Sellers or Leasers that are dealing with us are our business partners to whom we are fully dedicated and committed to their su...

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