For Sale   >   malta Flag  Malta   >  In-nadur  >  Nadur
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  • €195,000
  • 3 bedrooms
â˜ğ‹ğšğ¬ğ­ 2ğ°ğ¨ Uğ§ğ¢ğ­ğ¬ Rğğ¦ğšğ¢ğ§ğ¢ğ§ğ 
â—ğ€ğ©ğ­ 3 - 3ğ›ğğğ«ğ¨ğ¨ğ¦ğ¬ - ğğ«ğ¢ğœğ €ğŸ95,ğŸğŸğŸ ğ‚ğ¨ğ¦ğ¦ğ¨ğ§ ğğšğ«ğ­ğ¬ ğˆğ§ğœ.
â—ğ€ğ©ğ­ 4 - ğŸ ğ›ğğğ«ğ¨ğ¨ğ¦ & Sğ­ğ®ğğ² - €150,ğŸğŸğŸ ğ‚ğ¨ğ¦ğ¦ğ¨ğ§ ğğšğ«ğ­ğ¬ ğˆğ§ğœ.
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Apartments for sale Nadur are located in a new and exclusive development comprising of only thirteen units, situated in one of the most sought-after areas in Nadur, near the belvedere, commanding beautiful views of the Channel. This 2-bedroom/3-bedroom apartment has been designed to maximize a spacious living area having balconies and terraces overlooking a large-sized communal pool with deck area and the views beyond. The apartments are being offered in advanced shell-form, with the following areas all finished to a high standard. This includes the front facade, front balcony railings and front apertures, common areas, passenger lift, swimming pool, and the surrounding deck area. Garages, situated at the basement level, are also available.
Property is Freehold
â˜ğ‹ğšğ¬ğ­ 2ğ°ğ¨ Uğ§ğ¢ğ­ğ¬ Rğğ¦ğšğ¢ğ§ğ¢ğ§ğ 
â—ğ€ğ©ğ­ 3 - 3ğ›ğğğ«ğ¨ğ¨ğ¦ğ¬ - ğğ«ğ¢ğœğ €ğŸ95,ğŸğŸğŸ ğ‚ğ¨ğ¦ğ¦ğ¨ğ§ ğğšğ«ğ­ğ¬ ğˆğ§ğœ.
â—ğ€ğ©ğ­ 4 - ğŸ ğ›ğğğ«ğ¨ğ¨ğ¦ & Sğ­ğ®ğğ² - €150,ğŸğŸğŸ ğ‚ğ...

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Cristiana Azzopardi - Remax

Sales Agent
Cristiana Azzopardi